Vol. 9, No. 4

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Vol. 9, No. 4

Control Tower

Control Tower, 1944

Painting by Peter Whyte
CWM 14304

ISSN 1492-0786

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Editor’s Corner

A Word From The Associate Editor


Current Operations

Towards Solutions: Understanding Suicide Attackers in the Contemporary Middle East

by Tod Strickland

Unconventional Warfare: The Missing Link in the Future of Land Operations

by Tony Balasevicius

Operational Planning

Systemic Operational Design: Freeing Operational Planning from the Shackles of Linearity

by Matthew Lauder

Mission Command: Problem Bounding or Problem Solving?

by Keith Stewart

Space – The Final Frontier

Borrowing from Security Strategy: Can Red Teams Help Astronauts Prepare for Crew Conflict in Space?

by Robert S. Barrett

Military History

The Leadership of S.V. Radley-Walters: Enlistment to D-Day – Part One of Two

by Craig Leslie Mantle and Lieutenant-Colonel Larry Zaporzan

Canada’s Greatest Contribution – National Identity and the Role of Prime Minister W.L. Mackenzie King in Negotiating the BCATP Agreement

by Bill Dalke

Special Feature

A Presentation to the Atlantic Council of Canada: NATO and Canadian Capabilities – What Do We Have to Do Next?

by Michel Maisonneuve

Views And Opinions

A Canadian Defence and Security Innovation Centre: An Idea whose Time has Come

by Bob Near

Military Development and Diplomacy in Afghanistan

by Francis Conliffe

Afghanistan Update

by Rory Kilburn

Commentary – State of the Forces

by Martin Shadwick

Special Commentary – S.L.A. Marshall Revisited...?

by Dave Grossman

Book Reviews

At The Sharp End: Canadians Fighting The Great War 1914-1916

Shock Troops: Canadians Fighting The Great War 1917-1918

A Thoroughly Canadian General: A Biography Of General H.D.G. Crerar

Iraq & The Evolution Of American Strategy

Strategic Cousins: Australian And Canadian Expeditionary Forces And The British And American Empires

Victor Brodeur: Officier De La Marine Canadienne (1909-1946)

Vol. 9, No. 4

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