Vol. 7, No. 4, Winter 2006-2007

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CWM Painting

Afternoon Convoy

Painting by: Lieutenant Donald Cameron MacKay
19710261-4208 CWM

ISSN 1492-0786

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Editor’s Corner


Letters To The Editor

Strategic Thinking

Struggling for Efficiency: Observations on UN Strategic and Institutional Leadership, South Sudan, 2005-2006

by Lieutenant-Colonel Michael Goodspeed

Maritime Issues

A Rational Choice Revisited – Submarine Capability in a Transformational Era

by Commander Michael Craven

Best Practices for Canadian Maritime Security – A Comparison of Three National Approaches

by Captain (N) Peter Avis

Military Education

Collège militaire royal de Saint-Jean: 10 Years Later

by Doctor Richard Carrier

The Peacekeeping Debate

The Peaceable Kingdom? The National Myth of Canadian Peacekeeping and the Cold War

by Eric Wagner

Civil-military Cooperation

The Evolution of Canadian Civil-Military Cooperation

by Major Graham M. Longhurst


Leonard Birchall and the Japanese Raid on Colombo

by Rob Stuart

Henri Bourassa and Conscription: Traitor or Saviour?

by Doctor Béatrice Richard

Views And Opinions

Can We Streamline Operational Planning?

by Doctor David J. Bryant

Not Necessarily Conscription... Bringing the Forces Up to Strength: A Question of Motivating Youth to Serve

by Adam Chapnick

In Defence of “Tommy” Burns

by Second Lieutenant Will Lofgren


by Martin Shadwick

Book Reviews

Friendly Fire: The Untold Story Of The Us Bombing That Killed Four Canadian Soldiers In Afghanistan 

Insurgents, Terrorists And Militias: The Warriors Of Contemporary Combat

Dying To Win: The Strategic Logic Of Suicide Terrorism

Art Or Memorial? The Forgotten History Of Canada’s War Art

We Flew We Fell We Lived: Stories from RCAF Prisoners of War and Evaders 1939-1945

Integrity: The Courage To Meet The Demands Of Reality

Vol. 7, No. 4