Vol. 8, No. 1, Spring 2007

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Vol. 8, No. 1, Spring 2007

DND Photo

Vimy, France

Photo by: Master Corporal Jill Cooper
DND photo SU2007-0156-07

ISSN 1492-0786

Print PDF



Editor’s Corner


Letter To The Editor


The Defence Of Strong Point Centre – 14 October 2006

by Colonel Bernd Horn

Other Voices

The Treatment of Prisoners of War and Non-Combatants in the Quran

by Brian Bertosa

SOF for Sale: The Canadian Forces and the Challenge of Privatized Security

by Doctor Christopher Spearin

Strategic Thought

Operation Artemis and Javier Solana: EU Prospects for a Stronger Common Foreign and Security Policy

by Doctor Ryan Hendrickson, Doctor Jonathan Strand, and Kyle Raney

The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty: Achieving International Security through Diplomacy

by Major Ken Craig

Military Capability Development

Chasing the Silver Bullet: The Evolution of Capability Development in the Canadian Army

by Major Andrew Godefroy


“Not a man fell out and the party marched into Arras singing”: The Royal Guard at the Unveiling of the Vimy Memorial, 1936

by Doctor Ken Reynolds

Major-General Malcolm Smith Mercer: The Highest Ranking Canadian Officer Killed in the Great War by Friendly Fire

by Gordon MacKinnon

Views And Opinions

Privacy and Retention Issues of Defence Intelligence

by Captain Paul Rivard and Sergeant Joe Faragone

Problems Inherent in the International Comparison of Defence Expenditure

by Lieutenant-Colonel Ross Fetterly

The Training Brigade Concept: Meeting Our Strategic Recruiting Objective

by Lieutenant-Colonel Rob McIlroy

Developing Security Strategy in the Era of Integrated Government

by Captain (N) Peter Avis

Why Keep the Myth Alive?

by Sean M. Maloney


by Martin Shadwick

Book Review Essay

Clio’s Warriors: Canadian Historians And The Writing Of The World Wars

by Doctor Ron Haycock

Book Reviews

Cradle Of Conflict: Iraq And The Birth Of Modern U.s. Military Power

Special Operations And Strategy: From World War Ii To The War On Terrorism

New Directions In The Study Of China’s Foreign Policy

Darfur: The Ambiguous Genocide

Cinderella Army: The Canadians In Northwest Europe, 1944-1945

Vol. 8, No. 1