Vol. 9, No. 2

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Vol. 9, No. 2

Strong and Free

Strong and Free

Painting by:David Craig

ISSN 1492-0786

Print PDF



Editor’s Corner


Canadian Forces Transition

Hellyer’s Ghosts: Unification of the Canadian Forces is 40 Years Old – Part One

by Daniel Gosselin

The Law Of War

Normative Considerations Bearing on The Responsibility to Protect – Prospects and Implications in a Fracturing International System

by Patrick F. White

Terrorism: An International Crime?

by Michael Lawless

The War Against Terrorism

Jihad versus Global War on Terror (GWOT) – A Total War in the Making?

by Dwayne Lovegrove

Special Operations

Canadian Special Operations Mobility – Getting the Right Tools

by Bernard Brister

Military History

Effective Leadership in Counter-Insurgency: The North-West Mounted Police in South Africa, 1899-1902

by Kenneth Grad

Passchendaele – Canada’s Other Vimy Ridge

by Norman S. Leach

Serving Their Country: the Story of the Wrens, 1942-1946

by Emilie Anne Plows

Special Report

Anatomy of Maritime Excellence

by Darren Hawco

Views And Opinions

Defence Policy after General Hillier

by Shaun Tymchuk

Should Canada Re-examine Its Position on Missile Defence?

by Fraser A.F. MacKenzie


by Martin Shadwick

Book Review Essays

Clausewitz and On War

by Bill Bentley

Killing for their Country: A New Look at “Killology”

by Robert Engen

Book Reviews

The Unexpected War: Canada In Kandahar

Fifteen Days: Stories Of Bravery, Friendship, Life And Death From Inside The New Canadian Army

Vol. 9, No. 2

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