Vol. 8, No. 2, Summer 2007

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Vol. 8, No. 2, Summer 2007

DND Photo

Dive Bombing V-1 Sites, France

Painting by: Flight Lieutenant Robert Stewart Hyndman
CWM 19710261-6450

ISSN 1492-0786

Print PDF



Editor’s Corner


Letter to the Editor

Canadian Sovereignty

Canadian Arctic Maritime Security: The Return to Canada’s Third Ocean

by Doctor Rob Huebert

Military Philosophy

A Paper Shield: Continuity and Failure in the Restraint of War

by Stuart White

Peace Operations

SHIRBRIG: The Future of Canada’s Contribution to UN Peace Operations?

by Peter Armstrong-Whitworth


Force Protection

by Andrew Gale and Wayne Pickering 

The War on Terror

A War on Terror: Is it Possible?

by Doctor John Scott Cowan


The Distant Early Warning Line and the Canadian Battle for Public Perception

by Adam Lajeunesse

Canadian Offensive Operations in Normandy Revisited

by Gregory Liedtke

Views and Opinions

Taking Sides: The Myth of Canadian Neutrality in World Affairs

by Doctor Adam Chapnick

Educating While Transforming: Defining Essential Professional Learning in a Complex Security Environment

by Doctor Randall Wakelam

Are We Asking the Right Question?

by Lieutenant-Colonel M.W. Bullock

Reviving the Princes

by Commander Kenneth P. Hansen


by Martin Shadwick

Special Report: Here at Vimy: A Retrospective – The 90th Anniversary of the Battle of Vimy Ridge

by Lieutenant Timothy C. Winegard

Book Review Essays

The Eye Of Command

Whose War Is It?: How Canada Can Survive In The Post 9/11 World

Book Reviews

Historical Dictionary Of The War Of 1812

Frontline: The True Story Of British Mavericks Who Changed The Face Of War Reporting

Sons Of The Mountains: The Highland Regiments In The French & Indian War, 1756-1767

Clausewitz’s Puzzle: The Political Theory Of War

Don’t Give Up the Ship! The Myths of the War of 1812

We Lead, Others Follow: First Canadian Division 1914-1918

A Man Of Intelligence: The Life Of Captain Eric Nave, Australian Codebreaker Extraordinary

Vol. 8, No. 2