Canadian Military Journal Vol. 10, No. 3

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Vol. 10, No. 3

The Fleet

DND photo HS2007-L0001-099 by Master Corporal Eduardo Mora Pineda

ISSN 1492-0786

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Editor’s Corner


Canada and the World

Canada and the Americas: Defending our Neighbourhood

by General Walter Natynczyk, CDS, CD with Nancy MacKinnon

Sutherland in the 21st Century: Invariants in Canada's Policy Agenda since 9/11

by Dwayne Lovegrove

Who is the Adversary? Pathans, the Taliban, and Prospects of Peace

by Keith Cameron

Defence Fiscal Issues

Canada First - Defence Strategy: A Retrospective Look. Too much? Too little? Or just right?

by Gerry Madigan

Military History

McGill's Contingent of the Canadian Officers' Training Corps (COTC) ~ 1912-1968

by Desmond Morton

The Forgotten Man Who Saved Canada at Queenston Heights

by Robert Vineberg

Views and Opinions

Letting Clausewitz Go: The Lesson the Canadian Army Must Learn from Afghanistan

by Andrew Godefroy

Gateways and Corridors in Canada: Evaluating National Security

by Peter Avis

Is There Something Wrong with our Bloody Ships Today?

by David Mugridge


Defence after Kandahar

by Martin Shadwick

Book Reviews

A Soldier First: Bullets, Bureaucrats and Politics of War, by General Rick Hillier

Reviewed by Bill Bentley

Canada's Navy: The First Century (Second Edition), by Marc Milner

Reviewed by Jurgen Duewel

D-Day: The Battle for Normandy, by Antony Beevor

Reviewed by Mike Goodspeed

Canadians Under Fire ~ Infantry Effectiveness in the Second World War, by Robert Engen

Reviewed by Howard G. Coombs

The Naval Service of Canada 1910-2010: The Centennial Story

Reviewed by Jurgen Duewel

Vol. 10, No. 3

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